Jan 10, 2011

My life as a call center agent.

I usually sleep at the office. And I must admit this, But i am really not a good influence to all of you guys. It's not intentionally though.. And who would blame me? My work starts at 11pm and ends at around 7am! This isn't healthy and normal. This has been my world for 2 years. Coffee, and cigarette to keep our nerves awake. It ain't healthy, but this is how we earn money.  .___.

 So this is me, trying to keep myself awake. Had my hair up for the first time, cause uhm.. I just feel like it. hehe. I know i look so exhausted or wasted (?), Topic's kinda boring.

These folders where given to us by our trainer. Inside, are handouts and paper shits that we need to review. Got so bored and sleepy so I collected my seatmates folders and doodled on them. They were all so happy when they saw the outcome so almost half of my office mate asks me to doodle on their folders. :3 And I'm so happy cause i hazz lotsa things to do, to get my eyes off to sleeping. :3 hihi! :D
These are Khen's and Mj's folders. My latest artwork. I just drew on them earlier :3 *01-11-2011*

Finally... Sun's up! Time to go home :3

I must now sleep cause the sun is up. Would wake up later tonight.
I'm like a vampire-- I know. hehe~


  1. Whoa, those doodles look amazing! D: It's like something I would see on a shirt or a website. You should go into graphic design or something! :D
    It looks really neat!

    Those kind of work hours are stressful ... Especially when you come back from work and want only sleep. I bet there must be people annoying you through out the day while all you want is sleep. xD; Ah, but like you said we gotta do what we gotta do for the sake of money. Dx

  2. Thanks pooper! :) I do actually sell shirts that i design personally.. :) i want to study graphic designing but it's too expensive T^T.. these folders are actually free, and i made those out of pure boredom! hehe :> thanks for appreciating again! :P

  3. Wow! Nice doodle!! :) I wanna see more of them!
